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Light Offers Hope for Athletes that Suffer from Vascular Parkinsonism (VP)

Light Offers Hope for Athletes that Suffer from Vascular Parkinsonism (VP)

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder commonly associated with people over 60. However, there is a lesser-known type of Parkinsonism known as Vascular Parkinsonism (VP), which affects mainly young athletes and people with a history of hypertension or stroke. VP is caused by changes in blood flow to the brain regions, resulting in symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, and slow movements. Recent studies have shown that light therapy could be the latest breakthrough in managing and treating VP in athletes.

Researchers have discovered that light therapy can stimulate alterations in the brain's blood flow, leading to enhanced cognitive ability and motor function in individuals diagnosed with VP. The light emitted by LED lamps has been shown to stimulate blood vessels, thereby dilating them and enhancing blood flow to the affected areas of the brain. This increased blood flow results in the multiplication of critical proteins that improve cognitive function and mitigate the degenerative effects of VP in athletes.

An athelete experiencing pain from vascular parkinsonism - light therapy with Light Lounge can help!

In addition to stimulating blood flow, bright light sources such as LED lamps help regulate the body's circadian rhythm, which is beneficial to VP patients. The circadian rhythm regulates the body's sleep-wake cycle, and disruptions in this rhythm can lead to degenerative effects on the brain and nervous system. Hence, bright light therapy has been shown to regulate the circadian rhythm, improving sleep quality in VP patients.

One significant advantage of light therapy over other treatments is that it has no significant side effects and is non-invasive. Athletes with VP can receive light therapy sessions with little to no disruptions to their daily routines. They can also participate in sports and other physical activities after treatment sessions, which helps them achieve better results. Most importantly, light therapy has long-lasting effects on the brain even after treatment. Studies have shown that light therapy can produce permanent changes in brain function, improving cognitive abilities and reducing the risk of further damage to the brain in athletes with VP.

Like any treatment, light therapy for VP requires a clinical setting that doctors and medical professionals oversee. Patients with VP should consult their physicians before exploring light therapy as an alternative to traditional medication. Patients should also be mentally prepared to undertake light therapy, which requires regular, uninterrupted treatment sessions to be effective.

In conclusion, light therapy could be the key to unlocking a more effective way of treating Vascular Parkinsonism in athletes. Its non-invasive nature, absence of significant side effects, and long-term effectiveness make it an appealing therapy option for patients. With further research and clinical trials, light therapy could become an accepted treatment for VP. Alongside traditional medication, light therapy can improve the lives of thousands of athletes affected by VP, enabling them to continue participating in sports and other physical activities while effectively managing their condition.

If you have VP, consult with a medical doctor before using Light Therapy, and when you are ready, come into one of our studio locations. Light Lounge offers the best light therapy in the world use code FREELIGHT to get your first session for free.

Reference for this post provided by: NIH


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