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5 Things You Should Know About Light Therapy

5 Things You Should Know About Light Therapy

Light Therapy, also known as photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) or phototherapy can help treat knee pain, back pain, and hip pain and control chronic inflammation2. Below are 5 things you should know about Light Therapy.

Light Therapy Can Decrease Inflammation

Researchers have shown that Light Therapy can reduce unhealthy inflammation in the body, offering lasting health benefits5. Inflammation is a natural chemical reaction of our body's immune system and plays a critical role in healing the body from harm and injury5. However, long term (chronic) inflammation from sickness, sleep deprivation, stress, or even untreated lower back pain can be more harm than help. Chronic inflammation is associated with cancer, diabetes, neurological diseases, and chronic pain2,4. Light Therapy keeps inflammation in check and promotes a healthy body.

Light Therapy Can Alleviate Pain

Normally, lower back pain, knee pain, or hip pain can be challenging to treat. Many studies report that phototherapy can reduce any kind of pain, whether you are a recreational athlete with tendon pain or an elderly patient with knee pain6,7. Light Therapy as a treatment for chronic pain is harmless and backed by science.

Light Therapy Can Accelerate Healing

Light Therapy enables faster natural healing4. Conditions like diabetes or natural processes like aging slow healing in the body4. Light Therapy has been shown to speed up wound healing among elderly patients. Studies have shown that Light Therapy can promote the curing of chronic wounds among diabetic patients3, or the alleviation of pressure ulcers as a result of falling8. Additionally, Light Therapy also has potential to help patients recover from surgery by strengthening their body and keeping inflammation in check.

Light Therapy Helps Heal Your Body at the Cellular Level 

Health benefits associated with Light Therapy are the results of therapeutic work done at the cellular level, going beyond just treating symptoms10. Light Therapy helps to repair damaged and stressed cells by resolving the buildup of excessive oxidative stress, enhancing the basic functions of cells10. Phototherapy works best on cells that are stressed by damage, inflammation, or disease4. It also works on healthy cells, promoting lasting health benefits4.

Light Therapy Has Shown No Negative Side Effects 

Modern medicine often requires aggressive treatments that may cause side effects, making us feel sick or worse than we did before. Unlike other treatments, phototherapy is noninvasive and has no negative side effects3,10. Phototherapy devices operate at a specific wavelength of light, so patients feel little to no pain or discomfort when receiving treatment10. As a side-effect-free treatment, Light Therapy is a great way to treat chronic lower back pain, knee pain, hip pain, health issues from aging and diabetes, and many other ailments.

If you want to feel the benefits of Light Therapy yourself, book your first session which is FREE, and visit us at our Evergreen, Colorado location. Our team is excited to meet you. Follow our blog to stay up-to-date on the science of Light Therapy.


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